Sunday, April 12, 2009

where's the air?

don't you care?

i keep forgetting a post i was gonna post. it was such a good idea at the time., ohhhh i remember. check it out, i'll get it up here later. until now you'll have to read this dream i had last night.

I was sitting in a field someplace with a couch, coffee table, and a TV on a stand, when all of the sudden some old woman came walking by with other people and then she threw up a few steps after passing. I was terribly upset and walked away, upwards toward a fence and chucked. My roommate Tim came out of nowhere and asked me if I was okay, and laughing I told him my throw up was by the fence. I don't remember seeing him in my dream again. Then, the next thing I can really remember is I was hanging out with an old friend named Sarah, and there was this ship that was sinking, and we had equipment to get that was in it but if we traveled down to the ship to get the info it'd kill us, so we skipped out on that and went back to my house, where all we could do was be awkward.. but before that we were trying to get into this building on Broad St. I think, and there were a ton of people but we couldn't get in for some reason. But when we were at my house everything was funny, and then I remembered I had to go to Italy and I woke up

then i played fatlip, today's your day.

listen to pressure chief

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